Happy Flip Flop Day!

national flip flop day

It’s the third Friday in June.  We are knocking on summer’s door.  That means it’s National Flip Flop Day.

It’s tempting to align this with literally every other day of the year, assigned to hot dogs, or craft beer, or maple pancakes.  But let’s not.

It’s tempting to disregard this silliness in light of the overwhelming somberness that is settling over a nation that has very recently seen hate in its most real and unadulterated form.  But let’s not.

Because today has very real opportunities for substantial good.

Tacky talons, or socked feet aside, flip flops are the international mascot of sorts for “laid back”.  You don’t see flip flops, and feel the need to overachieve, or be angry.  You don’t put them on to attack your mother-in-law or wage war against the neighbors. You don’t wear them to feel uncomfortable, disliked, or aggressive.

Quite the opposite!  You wear them to take a load off, embrace the day, and enjoy the warm world that exists.

It seems that the commercial push for Flip Flop Day was helped along by Tropical Smoothie Café, who took the obvious marketing opportunity to raise money for Camp Sunshine, a camp for children and families facing life-threatening illnesses.  So you wear flip flops, get a free smoothie, and money gets raised to help people in really stressful situations have fun for a bit.

That is something to celebrate!

And something that should certainly encompass children and families facing life threatening illnesses.  But also, people standing watch over families that are hurting.  People that are standing against hate.  People that need some waterproof comfort to help neighbors save memories from rising flood waters.

Everyone who chooses light and peace and good and help and love over crap.

So be silly.  Donate to a charity.  Be nice.  Help a friend.  Tell hate to stop.  And do it in flip flops.

Happy National Flip Flop Day!

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